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How to use WebAccountManager in UWP to authenticate app using Window Credentials

I'm trying to use WebAccountManager as suggested for my organization link at It can be logged in using same account as Windows User(on orgnization domain). I'm not able to get any token or existing account from Windows 10 PC.

I have also tried the AccountsSettingsPane with WebAccountProvider as follows:

AccountsSettingsPane.GetForCurrentView().AccountCommandsRequested += OnlineDataStore_AccountCommandsRequested;

and then OnlineDataStore_AccountCommandsRequested is as follows:

WebAccountProvider wap = await WebAuthenticationCoreManager.FindAccountProviderAsync("");

but wap is always null.

Can anybody help on how to login through Windows Credentials of current logged in user in UWP? Using following more R&D I'm able to login as Windows current user, but in Windows.Web.Http, I'm not able to control the logout/clear credentials etc.

Edit 1: Following code snippets works but System.Net.Http may be deprected in future versions.

var handler = new HttpClientHandler();
handler.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
handler.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
var httpClient = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient(handler);
System.Net.Http.message = await httpClient.GetAsync(feedUrl);

Edit 2: This might be helpful to someone: To enable Windows authentication in UWP/Windows Mobile, it is must to enable Enterprise Capabilities. Following points I found:

  • For System.Net.Http we can control credentials by setting CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
  • For Windows.Web.Http, it will automatically log in as Windows Credentials if no credentials are set in HttpProtocolFilter.


  • To enable Windows authentication in UWP/Windows Mobile, it is must to enable Enterprise Capabilities. (Same has been edited in question)

    • For System.Net.Http we can control credentials by setting CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
    • For Windows.Web.Http, it will automatically log in as Windows Credentials if no credentials are set in HttpProtocolFilter.