I'm running Matlab 7.8.0 under Windows.
I am calling an external utility using dos()
which creates a file in the current directory.
I the file is created correctly, but it cannot be seen by exist
or fopen
, which return 0
and -1
respectively. The filename is correct!
>> pwd
ans =
>> ls
file1.asc file2.asc file3.asc
>> exist('file1.asc') % this file was there before
ans =
>> exist('file2.asc') % this file is newly created
ans =
to confirm it's not an odd/problematic filename, I checked from a Cygwin shell:
/cygdrive/i/ $ if [ -f file2.asc ]; then echo "OK"; fi
So the file is good. I tried renaming it
/cygdrive/i/ $ mv file2.asc test
and in Matlab
>> ls
file1.asc file3.asc test
>> exist('test')
ans =
If I exit and restart Matlab it works fine. But I need to dynamically create the file and then access it!
Very mysterious.
You could try: