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Launch image is not working properly for Landscape mode?

We have created an application for both iPhone and iPad devices. We are supporting only portrait.

I have a problem with Launch image.If we keep device(Only for iPad) in portrait it is working properly and it is showing portrait launch image.

But if we keep device(Only for iPad) in landscape and run the app, it is showing launch image for few milli seconds then it is showing blue(purple) screen. This is happening only for iPads.

I added images for iPad portrait, as Default-portrait.png, and [email protected] for both 1x and 2x respectively(iPad landscape is unchecked).

Then I tried of adding landscape(checked landscape images option) images for iPads but no use.

Can anyone tell me what is the exact problem here and how to resolve.(we are supporting iOS 8 and above)


  • As my leader(he fixed the same problem), go to plist file:

    • Find the item Supported interface orientations (iPad)
    • With its children: Just keep Portrait (bottom home button), delete others.