I have a list of countries coming from the database, to be shown in a dropdown for when users enter their address.
Using ng2-translate, is there a way to translate them?
I'd like to be able to do something like the following:
<select formControlName="country">
<option *ngFor="let country of codesService.countries$ | async" value="{{country.code}}">{{ 'CODES.COUNTRIES.{country.code}' | translate }}</option>
With translations in a json file like:
"CODES": {
"AF": "Afghanistan",
"AX": "Aland Islands",
"AL": "Albania",
"DZ": "Algeria",
"AS": "American Samoa",
But of course it doesn't work :(
Or should I have the translations in the database too and use currentLang
to retrieve the entries in the desired language?
This did the trick:
<select formControlName="country">
<option *ngFor="let country of codesService.countries$ | async" value="{{country.code}}">{{ 'CODES.COUNTRIES.' + country.code | translate }}</option>