I installed DB2 Express-C on my mac and able to create databases, schemas successfully.
[a4370397:~]: ps -ef | grep -i db2
502 24907 1 0 8:59AM ?? 0:00.06 db2wdog
502 24908 24907 0 8:59AM ?? 0:02.03 db2sysc
502 24909 24908 0 8:59AM ?? 0:00.00 db2ckpw
502 24910 24908 0 8:59AM ?? 0:00.00 db2ckpw
502 24911 24908 0 8:59AM ?? 0:00.00 db2ckpw
502 24912 24907 0 8:59AM ?? 0:00.05 db2vend (PD Vendor Process - 1)
502 24927 24907 0 8:59AM ?? 0:01.03 db2acd
0 54414 54369 0 9:33AM ttys004 0:00.02 su db2user
502 54567 54443 0 9:33AM ttys004 0:00.00 grep -i db2
But I couldn't find the port where the db2 instance is running. SVCENAME is displayed as blank in configuration.
[a4370397:/opt/db2]: db2 get dbm cfg
Database Manager Configuration
Node type = Database Server with local and remote clients
TCP/IP Service name (SVCENAME) =
Discovery mode (DISCOVER) = SEARCH
Discover server instance (DISCOVER_INST) = ENABLE
I tried db2set DB2COMM=tcpip and restarted the instance but still couldn't identify the port.
Please suggest how to configure/view the port information for db2.
configuration parameter has not been set, so you have not told DB2 what port to listen on.
You need to update the value and restart the instance:
db2 update dbm config using svcename 50000
db2stop force
You can also use a port name corresponding to an entry in /etc/services
for the SVCENAME
configuration parameter.