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Mac OS :: DB2 is up and running. But unable to find port

I installed DB2 Express-C on my mac and able to create databases, schemas successfully.

      [a4370397:~]: ps -ef | grep -i db2
       502 24907     1   0  8:59AM ??         0:00.06 db2wdog
       502 24908 24907   0  8:59AM ??         0:02.03 db2sysc
       502 24909 24908   0  8:59AM ??         0:00.00 db2ckpw
       502 24910 24908   0  8:59AM ??         0:00.00 db2ckpw
       502 24911 24908   0  8:59AM ??         0:00.00 db2ckpw
       502 24912 24907   0  8:59AM ??         0:00.05 db2vend (PD Vendor Process - 1)
       502 24927 24907   0  8:59AM ??         0:01.03 db2acd 
       0 54414 54369   0  9:33AM ttys004    0:00.02 su db2user
       502 54567 54443   0  9:33AM ttys004    0:00.00 grep -i db2

But I couldn't find the port where the db2 instance is running. SVCENAME is displayed as blank in configuration.

      [a4370397:/opt/db2]: db2 get dbm cfg

      Database Manager Configuration
      Node type = Database Server with local and remote clients

      TCP/IP Service name                          (SVCENAME) = 
      Discovery mode                               (DISCOVER) = SEARCH
      Discover server instance                (DISCOVER_INST) = ENABLE

I tried db2set DB2COMM=tcpip and restarted the instance but still couldn't identify the port.

Please suggest how to configure/view the port information for db2.


  • The SVCENAME configuration parameter has not been set, so you have not told DB2 what port to listen on.

    You need to update the value and restart the instance:

    db2 update dbm config using svcename 50000
    db2stop force

    You can also use a port name corresponding to an entry in /etc/services for the SVCENAME configuration parameter.