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Limiting OAuth login to a specific email domain

I am using the Google PHP API to authenticate user login. I would like to restrict login access to specific email domains, eg only users with email can login.

I've tried setting the hd parameter as suggested, with no luck. I also noticed that the returned $client = new Google_Client(); object returns an empty string for ["hd"]=> string(0) ""

Checking the email domain after authentication may be viable, but i fell like there must be a method within the Google API.

Anyone have ideas or suggestions?


  • Ended up using the hd object, which required instantiating a new $service

    if (isset($_SESSION['access_token']) && $_SESSION['access_token']) {
            // create service to pull userinfo
            $service = new Google_Service_Oauth2($client);
            $user = $service->userinfo->get();
            $userHd = $user['hd'];
            if ($userHd === '') {
                // log the user in