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Python script for finding keith numbers not working

I am trying to make a python program that will find keith numbers. If you don't what keith numbers are, here is a link explaining them: Keith Numbers - Wolfram MathWorld

My code is

from decimal import Decimal
from time import sleep

activator1 = 1

while (activator1 == 1):
        limit = int(raw_input("How many digits do you want me to stop at?"))
        activator1 = 0
    except ValueError:
        print "You did not enter an integer"

limitlist = []
activator2 = 1

while (activator2 <= limit):
    activator2 += 1
    print limitlist

add1 = 0
add = 0
count = 9
while 1:
    sleep (0.1)

    numbers = list(str(count))

    for i in limitlist:
        if (i > 0) & (add < count):
            add = sum(Decimal(i) for i in numbers)
            lastnumber = int(numbers[-1])
            add1 = lastnumber+int(add)
            print add1
            print add
            print count
            print numbers
        if (add1 == count):
            print add1
            print count

        elif (i > 0) & (add > count):
            count += 1

It doesn't output any errors but it just outputs


Could someone please tell me why it doesn't just repeatedly find Keith numbers within the number of integers range?


  • Prune has already given you good advices! Let's put a little example of what he meant though, let's say you got an algorithm which determine whether n is a keith number or not and also a test loop to print some keith numbers:

    def keith_number(n):
        c = str(n)
        a = list(map(int, c))
        b = sum(a)
        while b < n:
            a = a[1:] + [b]
            b = sum(a)
        return (b == n) & (len(c) > 1)
    N = 5
    for i in range(N):
        a, b = 10**i, 10**(i + 1)
        print("[{0},{1}]".format(a, b))
        print([i for i in filter(keith_number, range(a, b))])
        print('-' * 80)

    such snippet gives you this:

    [14, 19, 28, 47, 61, 75]
    [197, 742]
    [1104, 1537, 2208, 2580, 3684, 4788, 7385, 7647, 7909]
    [31331, 34285, 34348, 55604, 62662, 86935, 93993]

    Wow, that's awesome... but wait, let's say you don't understand the keith_number function and you want to explore a little bit the algorithm in order to understand its guts. What about if we add some useful debug lines?

    def keith_number(n):
        c = str(n)
        a = list(map(int, c))
        b = sum(a)
        print("{0} = {1}".format("+".join(map(str, a)), b))
        while b < n:
            a = a[1:] + [b]
            b = sum(a)
            print("{0} = {1}".format("+".join(map(str, a)), b))
        return (b == n) & (len(c) > 1)
    print '-' * 80

    that way you'll be able to trace the important steps and the algorithm will make sense in your head:

    1+4 = 5
    4+5 = 9
    5+9 = 14
    1+5 = 6
    5+6 = 11
    6+11 = 17

    Conclusion: I'd advice you learn how to debug your own code instead asking strangers about it ;-)