how exactly does the adaboost algorithm implemented in python assigns feature importances to each feature? I am using it for feature selection and my model performs better on applying feature selection based on the values of feature_importance_ .
The feature_importances_
is an attribute available to sklearn's adaboost algorithm when the base classifier is a decision tree. In order to understand how feature_importances_
are calculated in the adaboost algorithm, you need to first understand how it is calculated for a decision tree classifier.
Decision Tree Classifier:
The feature_importances_
will vary depending on what split criteria you choose. When the split criteria is set to be "entropy": DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='entropy')
the feature_importances_
are equivalent to the information gain of each feature. Here is a tutorial on how to compute the information gain of each feature (slide 7 in particular). When you change the split criteria the feature_importances_
are no longer equivalent to the information gain, however the steps you take to calculate it are similar to those taken in slide 7 (with the new split criteria used in place of entropy).
Ensemble Classifiers:
Now let's return to your original question of how is it determined for the adaboost algorithm. According to the docs:
This notion of importance can be extended to decision tree ensembles by simply averaging the feature importance of each tree