I've created a simple console application in Embarcadero Berlin 10.1, selected 32 bit clang compiler, and copied in some code from here in the boost docs.
Here is the full code
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma argsused
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <tchar.h>
typedef char _TCHAR;
#define _tmain main
#include <stdio.h>
#include <boost/locale.hpp>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
using namespace boost::locale;
using namespace std;
generator gen;
locale loc=gen("");
// Create system default locale
// Make it system global
// Set as default locale for output
cout <<format("Today {1,date} at {1,time} we had run our first localization example") % time(0)
cout<<"This is how we show numbers in this locale "<<as::number << 103.34 <<endl;
cout<<"This is how we show currency in this locale "<<as::currency << 103.34 <<endl;
cout<<"This is typical date in the locale "<<as::date << std::time(0) <<endl;
cout<<"This is typical time in the locale "<<as::time << std::time(0) <<endl;
cout<<"This is upper case "<<to_upper("Hello World!")<<endl;
cout<<"This is lower case "<<to_lower("Hello World!")<<endl;
cout<<"This is title case "<<to_title("Hello World!")<<endl;
cout<<"This is fold case "<<fold_case("Hello World!")<<endl;
return 0;
But I get some linker errors:
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'boost::system::generic_category()' referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\EMBARCADERO\STUDIO\18.0\LIB\WIN32C\RELEASE\LIBBOOST_LOCALE-BCB32C-MT-SD-1_55.LIB|generator
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'boost::system::system_category()' referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\EMBARCADERO\STUDIO\18.0\LIB\WIN32C\RELEASE\LIBBOOST_LOCALE-BCB32C-MT-SD-1_55.LIB|generator
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'boost::locale::impl_win::create_convert(std::locale&, boost::locale::impl_win::winlocale&, unsigned int)' referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\EMBARCADERO\STUDIO\18.0\LIB\WIN32C\RELEASE\LIBBOOST_LOCALE-BCB32C-MT-SD-1_55.LIB|win_backend
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'boost::locale::impl_win::create_collate(std::locale&, boost::locale::impl_win::winlocale&, unsigned int)' referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\EMBARCADERO\STUDIO\18.0\LIB\WIN32C\RELEASE\LIBBOOST_LOCALE-BCB32C-MT-SD-1_55.LIB|win_backend
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'boost::locale::impl_win::create_formatting(std::locale&, boost::locale::impl_win::winlocale&, unsigned int)' referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\EMBARCADERO\STUDIO\18.0\LIB\WIN32C\RELEASE\LIBBOOST_LOCALE-BCB32C-MT-SD-1_55.LIB|win_backend
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'boost::locale::impl_win::create_parsing(std::locale&, boost::locale::impl_win::winlocale&, unsigned int)' referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\EMBARCADERO\STUDIO\18.0\LIB\WIN32C\RELEASE\LIBBOOST_LOCALE-BCB32C-MT-SD-1_55.LIB|win_backend
The first two I can fix by manually adding libboost_locale-bcb32c-MT-SD-1_55.lib to the project, it's my understanding and experience with boost that it shouldn't really need manually linking, but I don't mind this. The last 4 however, I'm not sure about at all. It looks to be related to the locale backend (Is it not ICU with Embarcadero supplied boost?)
Does anyone have any advice?
Your problem is very interesting to me. So I created a new project and copied your code into it and sure enough the problem repeated itself.
After doing some research the only way I was able to overcome this issue was by adding collate.cpp
and converter.cpp
and numeric.cpp
located in $(BDSINCLUDE)\boost_1_55\libs\locale\src\win32
into my project.
I also had to add #pragma link "libboost_system-bcb32c-mt-sd-1_55.lib"
into my source code before the main