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SKAction continue working

I'm using the following to pause my game

self.scene?.paused = true

When the scene is paused, however, all SKActions stop. What can I do to allow some of the actions to continue to work?


  • Add certain nodes to different SKNode so instead you can only pause the the layer (SKNode) that you wish to pause. It would look something like this:

    let gameLayer = SKNode() 
    let pauseLayer = SKNode()

    Now when you want to add a child to the scene, instead add it to a layer:


    Don't forget to add the layers to the scene too


    To pause a layer write this:

    Swift 3

    gameLayer.isPaused = true

    Swift 2

    gameLayer.paused = true

    Note that in this example, all the nodes on the gameLayer will be paused, however everything on the pauseLayer will not.