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Griffon 2.7 Tutorial

Following the official tutorial on .. Installed lazybones / gradle .. Created the sample application as per tutorial .. Tried to run gradle build and get

$ gradle run --info
Starting Build
Settings evaluated using settings file 
Projects loaded. Root project using build file 
Included projects: [root project 'sample']
Evaluating root project 'sample' using build file
Adding license extension
Adding download licenses extension
Adding license extension rule
Adding license tasks for sourceSet licenseMain
Adding license tasks for sourceSet licenseTest
Applying license defaults to task: :licenseFormatMain
Applying license defaults to task: :licenseFormatTest
Applying license defaults to task: :licenseMain
Applying license defaults to task: :licenseTest
Applying defaults to download task: :downloadLicenses
Adding license tasks for sourceSet licenseIntegrationTest
Applying license defaults to task: :licenseIntegrationTest 
Applying license defaults to task: :licenseFormatIntegrationTest

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Script 'C:\cygwin64\home\Rob\sample\gradle\integration-test.gradle' line: 20

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating script.
> Could not find property 'compileOnly' on configuration container.

The script it's objecting to ..

sourceSets {
    integrationTest {
        if (file('src/integration-test/java').exists()) {
            java.srcDirs file('src/integration-test/java')
        if (file('src/integration-test/groovy').exists()) {
            groovy.srcDirs file('src/integration-test/groovy')
        resources.srcDir file('src/integration-test/resources')
        compileClasspath += sourceSets.main.output
        compileClasspath += configurations.compileOnly      <-- line 20 
        compileClasspath += configurations.testCompileOnly
        runtimeClasspath += compileClasspath

Gradle info

Gradle 2.2.1

Build time:   2014-11-24 09:45:35 UTC
Build number: none
Revision:     6fcb59c06f43a4e6b1bcb401f7686a8601a1fb4a

Groovy:       2.3.6
Ant:          Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.3 compiled on December 23 2013
JVM:          1.7.0_79 (Oracle Corporation 24.79-b02)
OS:           Windows 8.1 6.3 amd64

Anyone point me in the right direction ? I'm new to both Gradle and Griffon 2.7 .. Thanks ..


  • I believe that compileOnly was introduced in Gradle 2.12 (from this blog post).

    I realize the Griffon doc states "Gradle 2 is the minimum supported version" but that may be obsolete.