I am trying to use Chutzpah for Js Code Coverage.But now the problem is, i am getting the report in HTML Format but i need it in XML Format so in there any way to convert it.
Or is there any other Open Source toll or extension which i can use for Js Code Coverage Reports and to generate them in XML Format.
Chutzpah currently supports three format for coverage output which you can configure using the Transform Setting. There is the HTML, JSON and LCOV format. IF you would like another one I would be glad to accept a pull request for a new format as long as it is a standard one.
{ "Name": "coveragehtml", "Path": "coveragehtml.html" },
{ "Name": "coveragejson", "Path": "coveragejson.json" },
{ "Name": "lcov", "Path": "lcov.dat" }