Hello i have an issue when re-writting a file:
static function Remove($plate){
$_remove = false;
$_stillparkedlist = array();
foreach($_parkedlist as $_car){
if($_car[0] == $plate){
$_firsttime = $_car[1];
$_now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$_timelapse = strtotime($_now) - strtotime($_firsttime);
$_topay = $_timelapse * 10;
echo "$_topay <br>";
$_remove = true;
} else {
$_stillparkedlist [] = $_car;
if ($_remove == true){
$mifile = fopen('parked.txt',"w");
foreach($_stillparkedlist as $_car){
$_line = $_car[0]."=>".$_car[1]."\n";
The original file is like this:
234FSC=>2016-09-07 17:06:23
JAG823=>2016-09-07 17:06:15
706KHB=>2016-09-07 17:06:15
980GHB=>2016-09-07 17:06:15
The first time i remove it adds blank spaces (Removed 706KHB)
234FSC=>2016-09-07 17:06:23
JAG823=>2016-09-07 17:06:15
980GHB=>2016-09-07 17:06:15
If i remove again it starts showing "Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in ...\parking.php" and the file looks like this
234FSC=>2016-09-07 17:06:23
JAG823=>2016-09-07 17:06:15
980GHB=>2016-09-07 17:06:15
I have tried all i could find but this is still happening even with the if($_car[0]!="") and isset($_car[0]!)
How can i re-write without this error?
I would assume that each line is read from the file with a newline already attached to it.
So when you execute this line
$_line = $_car[0]."=>".$_car[1]."\n";
It is adding another newline so instead do
$_line = $_car[0]."=>".$_car[1];
So you are not adding another newline