Search code examples

Elasticsearch - Count distinct

I have a basic index with logs

Some logs are visit of user1 to user2

I managed to count the total of visits a user has received, but I don't know how count the total of distinct users a user has receivedenter image description here

This is giving me all the logs for a user


Actually, I'm using FoSElasticaBundle for Symfony2

$filter->addMust((new Term())->setTerm('message', 'visit'));
$filter->addMust((new Term())->setTerm('ctxt_user2', $this->search->getVisit()));

I read some pages in the ES doc with aggregator, but I never managed to get what I want

Convert to SQL, I just need

FROM logs
WHERE ctxt_user2 = 733264


Cardinality seams to be what I need. Now just need to find how use it with FosElasticaBundle

"aggs": {
    "yourdistinctcount": {
        "cardinality": {
            "field": "ctxt_user1"


  • Try this query ( not tested...):

    "query" : {
    "aggs": {
      "yourdistinctcount": {
        "terms": {
          "field": "ctxt_user1"

    The post_filter query cannot be used in your case. As it write on website: The post_filter is applied to the search hits at the very end of a search request, after aggregations have already been calculated.`
