The below test is to check the software information on a list of IP addresses. The program prints the version of software running on all the IPs as expected.
Now, I would like to test whether the software running on all the IPs are identical? How do I do that?
sub test_check_software_info_on_all_the_ips {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{'machine_ip'} = $self->{'queryObj'}->get_machine_ip();
foreach my $ip ( @{ $self->{'machine_ip'} } ) {
$self->{'install_info'} = $self->{'queryObj'}->get_install_info($ip);
INFO( 'Software info of ' . $ip . ' is ' . $self->{'install_info'} );
Sample output
20160907T141846 INFO Software info of is r-2016-08-27-03
20160907T141846 INFO Software info of is r-2016-08-27-03
20160907T141847 INFO Software info of is r-2016-08-27-03
20160907T141847 INFO Software info of is r-2016-08-27-03
This will do as you ask
sub check_matching_info {
my ($self) = @_;
my $ips = $self->{queryObj}->get_machine_ip;
my %info;
for my $ip ( @$ips ) {
my $info = $self->{queryObj}->get_install_info($ip);
push @{ $info{$info} }, $ip;
print keys %info == 1 ? "All IPs have the same install info" : "IPs have different install info";