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Configured the HA Cluster with Hive-2.0.1(Derby Support) shows redundant database names?

I have configured the HA Cluster with one Namenode and one Standby and one data node. I have started derby database with hiveserver2(Hive-2.0.1).

After started the hive server, open the beeline.cmd to check the number of database exists.

It shows default for 2 times:

0: jdbc:hive2://hostname:port/default> show databases;


| database_name |


| default |

| default |


3 rows selected (0.027 seconds)

At that time i can't able to create table in that hive2.

Can anyone tell me the reason for that issue?

Any help appreciated.


  • It is not possible to have the same database twice.

    Try to create same database from two different clients at a same time.

    If duplicate database can be created then ask your query in Hive mailing list or report in jira.