I've to use the registerFontFamily method from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics. I tried to add two fonts to a family but I can't use the bold font with "<b>sometext</b>". I need this feature for my report. I can only use the regular one and I don't know why.
Here's the code.
registerFont(TTFont('Own_Font', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '\\OwnSans-Regular.ttf'))
registerFont(TTFont('OwnBold_Font', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '\\OwnSans-Bold.ttf'))
# define parameter for the page and paragraph font
STYLES = getSampleStyleSheet()
STYLES.add( ParagraphStyle(name='Text', fontName = 'Own_Font', fontSize = 10 ))
STYLES.add( ParagraphStyle(name='Centered', fontName = 'Own_Font', fontSize = 10, alignment=TA_CENTER ))
STYLES.add( ParagraphStyle(name='CenteredBig', parent=STYLES['Centered'], fontSize=18, spaceAfter=10) )
STYLES.add( ParagraphStyle(name='CenteredMedium', parent=STYLES['Centered'], fontSize=15, spaceAfter=10) )
I've got the following error message:
File "X:\tools\Python2\lib\site-packages\reportlab-2.7-py2.7-win32.egg\reportlab\platypus\paragraph.py", line 916, in __init__
self._setup(text, style, bulletText or getattr(style,'bulletText',None), frags, cleanBlockQuotedText)
File "X:\tools\Python2\lib\site-packages\reportlab-2.7-py2.7-win32.egg\reportlab\platypus\paragraph.py", line 938, in _setup
style, frags, bulletTextFrags = _parser.parse(text,style)
File "X:\tools\Python2\lib\site-packages\reportlab-2.7-py2.7-win32.egg\reportlab\platypus\paraparser.py", line 1083, in parse
File "X:\tools\Python2\lib\site-packages\reportlab-2.7-py2.7-win32.egg\reportlab\lib\xmllib.py", line 562, in finish_starttag
self.handle_starttag(tag, method, attrs)
File "X:\tools\Python2\lib\site-packages\reportlab-2.7-py2.7-win32.egg\reportlab\lib\xmllib.py", line 596, in handle_starttag
File "X:\tools\Python2\lib\site-packages\reportlab-2.7-py2.7-win32.egg\reportlab\platypus\paraparser.py", line 823, in start_para
self._stack = [self._initial_frag(attr,_paraAttrMap)]
File "X:\tools\Python2\lib\site-packages\reportlab-2.7-py2.7-win32.egg\reportlab\platypus\paraparser.py", line 817, in _initial_frag
frag.fontName, frag.bold, frag.italic = ps2tt(style.fontName)
File "X:\tools\Python2\lib\site-packages\reportlab-2.7-py2.7-win32.egg\reportlab\lib\fonts.py", line 75, in ps2tt
raise ValueError("Can't map determine family/bold/italic for %s" % psfn)
ValueError: Can't map determine family/bold/italic for Own_Font
Thank you in advance.
The first problem is that you made a typo in the registerFontFamily
. To be more specific you register the normal font as being the bold by doing bold='Own_Font'
The second problem is that your font family doesn't have fonts for all types (in this case italic and boldItalic). According to the manual, if you read Vera as Own_font
If we only have a Vera regular font, no bold or italic then we must map all to the same internal fontname.
tags may now be used safely, but have no effect. After registering and mapping the Vera font as
Thus to fix it you should replace the affected line like this:
This should make <b></b>
function as expected.