I am using the shadow plugin for Gradle to generate modified jars for Dagger 2. The jar files are generated as expected, but when I add the jars as dependencies to my proyect i get
Error:Execution failed for task ':transformClassesAndResourcesWithSyncLibJarsForRelease'.
> java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: META-INF/maven/com.google.dagger/dagger/pom.properties
To give toy the context of my case: I have an app with the next structure
CoreLib and Lib1 uses these jar files generated by shadow to replace dagger2. But when running the app I get the previous exception in Lib1.
I add the jars like this in both libraries
apt files('libs/two-daggers-compiler-1.0.0.jar')
compile files('libs/two-daggers-library-1.0.0.jar')
Any ideas??
The solution for my problem was that I had to exclude the duplicated files.
I added this to my application buid.gradle and the problem was solved.
packagingOptions {
exclude 'META-INF/maven/com.google.dagger/dagger/pom.xml'
exclude 'META-INF/maven/com.google.dagger/dagger/pom.properties'
I added it in the android block