Search code examples

Updating periodically with RxSwift

I use the following setup to retrieve objects (e.g. GitHub issues) from an API. This works fine.

let provider: RxMoyaProvider<GitHub>
let issues: Driver<[IssueViewModel]>

init(provider: RxMoyaProvider<GitHub>) {
    self.provider = provider
    issues = provider.request(.Issue)
              .mapArray(Issue.self, keyPath: "issues")
              .asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: [])
              .map { (models: [Issue]) -> [IssueViewModel] in
                  let items = {
                      IssueViewModel(name: $,
                          description: $0.description
                  return items

Now I'd like to periodically update the list of issues (e.g., every 20 seconds). I thought about an NSTimer to accomplish this task, but I guess there might be a clean(er) solution (i.e. in a Rx manner) that I didn't think about.

Any hint in the right direction is highly appreciated.


  • This is very similar to this question/answer.

    You should use timer and then flatMapLatest:

    Observable<Int>.timer(0, period: 20, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
        .flatMapLatest { _ in
        .mapArray(Issue.self, keyPath: "issues")
        // ...