I am using Advanced Custom Fields PRO Version 5.3.7
. I am trying to load a picture that is within my custom post type.
I have configured the ACF field for the custom post type and it works well for text related fields.
However, I am trying to display an image. I am using an adapted example from the acf documentation. Below you can find my code.
<div class="image">
<a href="<?php the_field('link'); ?>" rel="nofollow" class="am" target="_blank" > <img class="b-lazy wp-post-image b-loaded" alt="<?php echo the_field('box_image')['alt']; ?>" src="<?php echo the_field('box_image')['url']; ?>" width="230"> </a>
My problem ist that on my site, I get the Array back instead of the single value:
Any suggestions what is wrong with my code?
I appreciate your replies!
Dont use the_field('box_image')['url']
because the_field()
echoes directly everything and echoing an array outputs array()
; Instead of this, try this:
<?php $img = get_field('box_image'); ?>
<?php if( $img ): ?>
<a href="<?php the_field('link'); ?>" rel="nofollow" class="am" target="_blank" >
<img class="b-lazy wp-post-image b-loaded" alt="<?php esc_attr_e( $img['alt'] ); ?>" src="<?php echo esc_url( $img['url'] ); ?>" width="230">
<?php endif; ?>