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Symfony 3 | Override entity table name

I'm using FOSMessage in my project ( and I would like to override the table names of the entities.

For example in FOSMessage (\FOS\Message\Driver\Doctrine\ORM\Entity\Conversation) I have :

 * @ORM\Table(name="fos_message_conversations")
 * @ORM\Entity
class Conversation extends BaseConversation
// properties

And in my custom entity, I do :

 * @ORM\Table(name="user__message__fos_message_conversations")
 * @ORM\Entity
class Conversation extends \FOS\Message\Driver\Doctrine\ORM\Entity\Conversation


It works but only for "none-relation" properties. There is properties with "One-To-Many" relationships and there are ignored. When I update my database, I only have text properties and id. I don't have "messages" relation for example.

How can I do ? I only want to change table name.


  • oneToMany needs association mapping on many side, therefore you would need also custom Message entity with mapping manyToOne pointing your custom Conversation.

    That's because in fact in RMDBS, the foreign key is in many side table, which in this case is message table. There's a column conversation_id in message and not vice versa.