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Meteor build is killed when deploying on cloud foundry

We are deploying a Meteor application on Swisscom's Cloud Foundry. The meteor build command, part of the buildpack we are using, is being killed. This does not happen always, but the deplyoment process is not reliable because of this.

The error message is:

/tmp/buildpacks/ccde798f181156726dc68059bc038932/bin/compile: line 64: 99 Killed meteor build --directory deploy --server http://localhost:3000 --architecture os.linux.x86_64

We are using a buildpack forked from cloudfoundry-community. It can be found here: The command being killed can be found on line 70 inside bin/compile.

Any insight on why this is happening would be highly appreciated.


  • This could be due to a lack of sufficient resource assigned to the app, if it's running out of memory during compilation, CF will destroy the container and the meteor process within. Run cf events <appname> to see if the container is being purposefully destroyed and if it is due to insufficient memory, assign more!