I'm trying to define a generic residue class ring in Scala. A residue class ring is defined by some base ring (e.g. the integers) and a modulus (e.g. two), which is a value from the base ring. Both rings and their elements are objects, hence the type of the modulus would normally be a dependent type, depending on the base ring. I understand this isn't allowed in Scala (for good reasons), so I'm trying to emulate it by approximating the type and doing a runtime check when the residue class ring is constructed.
The definition of ResidueClassRing
is accepted without error, however, Scala doesn't let me instantiate it, for the argument two
I get the error message
type mismatch;
found : dependenttypetest.DependentTypeTest.two.type
(with underlying type dependenttypetest.Integers.Integer)
required: dependenttypetest.EuclideanRing#E
Am I doing something wrong? Could this be a bug in the Scala type checker? Is there a better way to define ResidueClassRing
This is with Scala 2.8.0 in the Eclipse IDE for Helios. The problem already occurred for 2.7.x. Here is a simplified version of the code:
package dependenttypetest
class EuclideanRing
thisRing =>
type E <: EuclideanRingElement;
def one: E;
trait EuclideanRingElement
def ring = thisRing;
def +(b: E): E;
def %(b: E): E;
object Integers extends EuclideanRing
type E = Integer;
val one: Integer = new Integer(1);
class Integer(n: Int) extends EuclideanRingElement
val intValue: Int = n;
def +(b: Integer): Integer = new Integer(intValue + b.intValue);
def %(b: Integer): Integer = new Integer(intValue % b.intValue);
class ResidueClassRing (val baseRing : EuclideanRing, m : EuclideanRing#E)
val modulus: baseRing.E =
m match {
case e: baseRing.E if m.ring == baseRing => e;
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("modulus not from base ring");
type E = ResidueClassRingElement;
def one: E = new ResidueClassRingElement(baseRing.one);
class ResidueClassRingElement (e : baseRing.E)
def representative: baseRing.E = e % modulus;
def +(b: E) = new ResidueClassRingElement(
this.representative + b.representative);
object DependentTypeTest extends Application
val two = new Integers.Integer(2);
val mod2ring = new ResidueClassRing(Integers, two);
println(mod2ring.one + mod2ring.one);
This seems to work, but I couldn't get rid of the cast when calculating representative:
package dependenttypetest
abstract class EuclideanRing{
thisRing =>
type E <: EuclideanRingElement;
def one: E;
trait EuclideanRingElement
def ring = thisRing;
def +(b: E): E;
def %(b: E): E;
class Integers extends EuclideanRing {
type E = Integer;
val one: Integer = new Integer(1);
class Integer(n: Int) extends EuclideanRingElement
val intValue: Int = n;
def +(b: Integer): Integer = new Integer(intValue + b.intValue);
def %(b: Integer): Integer = new Integer(intValue % b.intValue);
override def toString = "Int" + intValue
object Integers extends Integers
class ResidueClassRing[ER <: EuclideanRing] (modulus : ER#E) {
val baseRing = modulus.ring
type E = ResidueClassRingElement;
def one: E = new ResidueClassRingElement(baseRing.one);
class ResidueClassRingElement (e : baseRing.E)
def representative = e % modulus.asInstanceOf[baseRing.E];
def +(b: E) = new ResidueClassRingElement(
this.representative + b.representative);
override def toString = "RC(" + representative + ")"
object DependentTypeTest extends Application {
val two = new Integers.Integer(2);
val mod2ring = new ResidueClassRing[Integers](two)
println(mod2ring.one + mod2ring.one)
BTW: Be careful with the Application trait, it's rightfully deprecated.