I'm having the following problem, I want to make every possible combination in an array of strings, and return only a specific combination of elements within the total amount of combinations.
The array looks something like this.
array = ['ab','bc','cd','de','bd','ae']
In this example, the input would be
source = 'a' target = 'd'
And the code that I'm using right now to get the string I want is this.
(2..2).flat_map do |n|
array.repeated_permutation(n).map(&:join).select do |string|
string[0] == source && string[-1] == target && string[1..2].squeeze.size == n - 1
The output would look something like this
What I want to make sure when I select the strings, is that the last letter of a string is the first one of the next.
Right now it works, but I'm encountering several issues,
With huge repeated permutations, 8 or above, the computer just freezes, it is unable to handle such a huge amount of combinations, so I need a different approach to reduce the load.
It is difficult to implement a selection procedure prior to the permutations to help reduce the load as it is after the repeated_permutations method is executed that the combinations are generated.
You can see that it is at first just an Enumerator (that never freezes your computer until you cast it to Array or iterate through it):
=> #<Enumerator: ["ab", "bc", "cd", "de", "bd", "ae"]:repeated_permutation(2)>
And the .map
converts is to Array. To avoid it you should either use the lazy block form:
array.repeated_permutation(2) do |a, b|
break [a, b].join if a[0] == source && a[-1] == b[0] && b[1] == target
or better call .find
on it, so it would return nil
(that works like a false
in condition statements) if can't find some:
array.repeated_permutation(2).find do |a, b|
a[0] == source && a[-1] == b[0] && b[1] == target
I guess you want to find the path from one verticle to another in a graph.
I believe this was implemented in Ruby here a lot of times and you may have a look at the "Optimizing breadth-first-search code" question on Codereview site