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Mailto works in Flash Pro but not when Published

Code is working when testing in Adobe Flash Pro as expected (email application opens and includes subject, name, id, supervisor, score), however whenever I publish and open in either FireFox, IE, or just open the swf player, the email client will open but with all the fields missing including the subject... I love how it works in Flash, and the simplicity of not having to have a server side php, but its not working as expected...



// Variables
nameout_txt.text = names;
idout_txt.text = id;
supervisorout_txt.text = supervisor;
score.text = myscore+"";

var Email:URLRequest = new URLRequest
("" + "?subject=WOE Certificate" + "   " + names +    "&body=" + "Name: " + names + "\nEID: " 
 +id + "\nSupervisor Name: "+ supervisor + "\nScore: " + myscore);

function emailCert(event:MouseEvent):void {
navigateToURL(Email," _blank" ) ;

//Array to hold a list of the weekdays.
var weekdays:Array = new Array ("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday",

//Array to hold a list of the months.
var months:Array = new Array ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul",
"Aug", "Sep", "Oct","Nov","Dec");

//Adds an event listener to the dymanic text field.

function showDate(event:Event):void {
//Create a new instance of the date class.
var myDate:Date = new Date();

//Retrieve the day, month and year from the date class.
var theDay=weekdays[myDate.getDay()];
var theMonth=months[myDate.getMonth()];
var theDate=myDate.getDate();
var theYear=myDate.getFullYear();

//Display the date in the dynamic text field.
the_date_txt.text=theDay+", "+theMonth+" "+theDate+", "+theYear;

/* Printing... */
/* Button */

print_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,    fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_3);

function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_3(event:MouseEvent):void

Working Correctly Not working


  • That is a security constraint on Flash Player and you have multiple options:

    1. If you want to run the swf file locally you can add an exception in the Global Security Settings Panel
    2. On Windows, export an .exe projector file using Flash Player.exe
    3. Use a local webserver (like XAMP) and load the file from http://localhost instead of using the file:/// path (or simply upload the .swf file to a website and access if from there)
    4. Publish your file for AIR instead of Flash Player

    For option 1, you would need to add this exception for every computer you plan to run this .swf locally, therefore option 2 would make more sense.

    Option 3 should also be simple enough.

    Option 4 may be overkill, unless you need access to nicer native functionalities (like file system access, saving settings, custom icon, minimizing app to systray and potentially publishing to IOS/Android/etc.)