I have following App with a toolbar, Masters list and detail view:
The detail is "injected" via ContentControl. The detail contains a UserControl, which contains a ScrollViewer and so on. At some point there is a "ZoomPanControl" (not mine) which provides a command "FitView".
I want to execute the command "FitView" from my toolbar for the currently active detail view.
My toolbar button looks like this:
<fluent:Button x:Name="FitButton" Command="{Binding ?WhatGoesHere?}" Header="Fit View"/>
I can not figure out how to bind the command property of the toolbar button to the currently active ZoomPanControl. I don't even "see" this control when doing the command binding.
Any hint how this problem is generally solved is highly appreciated.
Here's how I solved the problem. Luckily I have access to the source code of the ZoomPanControl.
First I have implemented a DependencyProperty in the ZoomPanControl for the "FitView" command like this:
public static readonly DependencyProperty FitCommandDepPropProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
"FitCommandDepProp", typeof (ICommand), typeof (ZoomAndPanControl), new PropertyMetadata(default(ICommand)));
public ICommand FitCommandDepProp
get { return (ICommand) GetValue(FitCommandDepPropProperty); }
set { SetValue(FitCommandDepPropProperty, value); }
In the "OnApplyTemplate()" method of the control I set the dependency property:
FitCommandDepProp = FitCommand;
In the detail-View of my application I bind the command-dependency-property to my ViewModel like this:
<zoomAndPan:ZoomAndPanControl x:Name="zoomAndPanControl"
FitCommandDepProp="{Binding FitCommand, Mode=OneWayToSource}"
The important part is Mode=OneWayToSource. This "forwards" the command from the ZoomPanControl to my detail-viewmodel.
Detail-viewmodel has property of ICommand to bind to. From this point on I have the command in my viewmodel logic. I have implemented a mechanism to pass the FitCommand to the viewmodel which is bound to the toolbar. You can use a event or whatever you prefer to pass the command around.
The viewmodel of the toolbar has again a ICommand property for the FitCommand.
public ICommand FitCommand
get { return _fitCommand; }
if (Equals(value, _fitCommand)) return;
_fitCommand = value;
NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => FitCommand);
In the toolbar-view I bind simply to this property:
<fluent:Button x:Name="FitButton" Command="{Binding FitCommand}" Header="Fit View"/>
After that, the view commands are available for each detail-view separately.
But I have no idea how to solve this without access to the source code of the ZoomPanControl.