//obj 1 has that:
if (place_meeting(x,y, obj_nomatter)){
global.points -= 1;
// obj 1 rotates.
The problem is that the points drops sometimes one or seven. Any ideas for algorithms? Thank you!
you are using that in the step event so it calls the action one or seven times if you still collide for seven steps
one method is to use a timer or a variable
so: this is the method using the variable
var ones = false;
if(!ones) {
if(place_meeting(x,y,obj_nomatter)) {
global.points -= 1;
ones = true;
this is the method using the timer
step event:
if(place_meeting(x,y,obj_nomatter)) {alarm[0] = room_speed;}
//to use the room_speed, 30 for default (a second)
global.points -= 1;
//with this method if you collide more than room_speed global.points keeps going down