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Docker Swarm vs. Docker Cluster

I created a swarm cluster via

docker-machine -d azure --swarm --swarm-master --swarm-discovery token://SWARM_CLUSTER_TOKEN my-swarm-master


docker-machine  -d azure--swarm --swarm-discovery token://SWARM_CLUSTER_TOKEN my-node-01

After that, I Logged into - but when I click on Node Clusters or Nodes I can't see my swarm.

So is swarm (via command line) and cluster (via not the same thing? What's the difference and when should I use which one?

Edit: Yes, my Azure subscription is added in under Cloud Settings.


  • They are separate. The docker-machine commands you ran create a self hosted swarm that you manage yourself (from your first docker-machine command). The Docker Cloud creates an environment that's managed for you from the Docker infrastructure. Without access to that token used by Swarm, Docker Cloud won't know about the nodes in your Swarm.