I have a Fragment
inside an Activity
where I'm using a library named ExoMedia
you can check it here on github and its a wrapper for google's ExoPlayer
In this Fragment I declare two fields :
private EMVideoView emVideoView;
private VideoControlsMobile controlsMobile;
and later I instantiate them :
private void setupVideoView() {
controlsMobile = new VideoControlsMobile(getActivity());
emVideoView.setOnCompletionListener(new OnCompletionListener() {
public void onCompletion() {
isCompleted = true;
if (hasPolls || ((BaseActivity) getActivity()).hasPolls) {
if ((((BaseActivity) getActivity()).isUserSignedIn())) {
where on onDestroy
I'm trying to make them both null so they won't leak any Context
when leaking the Activity :
public void onDestroy() {
if (controlsMobile != null) {
controlsMobile = null;
if (emVideoView != null) {
but still when exiting my Activity
I got a report from LeakCanary
for leaking Context
* com.oneproject.main.projects.ProjectsActivity has leaked:
* GC ROOT android.os.MessageQueue.mMessages
* references android.os.Message.next
* references android.os.Message.next
* references android.os.Message.callback
* references com.devbrackets.android.exomedia.util.Repeater$PollRunnable.this$0
* references com.devbrackets.android.exomedia.util.Repeater.listener
* references com.devbrackets.android.exomedia.ui.widget.VideoControls$6.this$0 (anonymous implementation of com.devbrackets.android.exomedia.util.Repeater$RepeatListener)
* references com.devbrackets.android.exomedia.ui.widget.VideoControlsMobile.activity
* leaks com.oneproject.main.projects.ProjectsActivity instance
so I 've got two questions :
a) Isn't what I'm doing in onDestroy()
correct : setting VideoControls object to null so it won't kept alive and leak memory.
b) Is this a bug or I forgot to release something and its causing me this error ?
I think the library has a memory leak... VideoControls is creating an anonymous RepeatListener but never nulling it out https://github.com/brianwernick/ExoMedia/blob/11b28992d4f819902b63949fe2cf54720edb172f/library/src/main/java/com/devbrackets/android/exomedia/ui/widget/VideoControls.java#L621.
That listener is getting retained past your activity creation and destruction. Ideally the library would let you null out that listener.
Here's where the retention happens https://github.com/brianwernick/ExoMedia/blob/5dc963c8f49aa9e6bef318118e97e859b22979a4/library/src/main/java/com/devbrackets/android/exomedia/util/Repeater.java#L96