I have a function which gets an array of element, then it iterates over the array, when expected element is found it breaks and return.
The function is this:
def get_expected_element(id:, name:)
# I am sure there are 3 elements got
elem_array = get_all_elements(id)
element = nil
elem_array.each { |elem|
# I see this log
puts "elem = #{elem}"
if elem == name
element = elem
# I see this log too
puts "Found element"
# I see this log too, and program is hanging
puts "=== return ==="
When I invoke the function, the program is hanging after puts "=== return ==="
service = MyService.new
element_got = service.get_expected_element(id:3, name:"apple")
# I don't see the below log
puts "#{element_got}, I don't see this, why?"
The log in console is this:
elem = orange
elem = apple
Found element
=== return ===
<it is hanging>
I cannot understand why the invoked function doesn't return?
Leaving out MyService I ran this:
def get_expected_element(id:, name:)
# I am sure there are 3 elements got
# elem_array = get_all_elements(id)
elem_array = ["elem1", "apple", "elem3"]
element = nil
elem_array.each { |elem|
# I see this log
puts "elem = #{elem}"
if elem == name
element = elem
# I see this log too
puts "Found element"
# I see this log too, and program is hanging
puts "=== return ==="
puts get_expected_element(id: 3, name: "apple")
and got this:
elem = elem1
elem = apple
Found element
=== return ===
Your get_expected_element method seems fine.