I'm trying to copy a number of headers files from my source directories to an 'includes' directory inside my build directory using scons. My target is a static library and I want to distribute it together with its relevant headers. The expected end result:
|-- objects -> .o output files for constructing libmclib.a
|-- includes
| |-- foo.h
| `-- bar.h
`-- libmclib.a
My SConstruct:
target = 'mock'
Export('env', 'target')
build_base = 'build'
SConscript('SConscript', variant_dir=build_base, duplicate=0)
# remove build directory
if GetOption('clean'):
import subprocess
subprocess.call(['rm', '-rf', build_base])
My SConscript:
# ...
# other stuff to build 'mclib_target'
# ...
def copy_header_files(target, source, env):
header_files = []
for d in env['CPPPATH']:
header_files += Glob(d + "/*.h")
for f in header_files:
Copy(target, f)
# copy all relevant header files
env.Command("includes", mclib_target, copy_header_files)
Scons does call 'copy_header_files' with arguments '["build/includes"], ["build/libmclib.a"]', but for some reason 'Mkdir' doesn't create the includes directory. Also 'Copy' seems to do nothing. If I however call Mkdir like this:
env.Command("includes", mclib_target, [Mkdir('$TARGET')])
it seems to work well. How to fix/work around this? I'm also quite new to Scons so any alternative for doing this task are welcome. I'm using scons 2.5.0.
You probably want to use "Install()
" instead of "Copy()
". Also the Mkdir()
shouldn't be necessary, SCons creates all intermediate folders for its targets automatically.
Finally, allow me some comments about your general approach: I'd rather not mix "building" with "installing/preparing for packaging". The "variant_dir
" option is there to help you with building several "variants" (release, optimized, debug, ARM-specific,...) from the same source files (let's say you have a folder named "src"). By passing the name of the current "build" directory into your "src" SConscript you're embedding variant-specific knowledge into your local build description, meaning that you'll have to touch it with every variant that you add.
Instead, you should move the "Install/Package
" steps into the top-level SConstruct...where you have global knowledge about which variants get built. From there you can copy (= Install) the final files to a separate subfolder, e.g. distribution
, and archive that one instead.
For a simple example of how to handle variants right in SCons, check out the repo https://bitbucket.org/dirkbaechle/scons_talks and there the "pyconde_2013/examples/exvar
" folder.