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Parking Spot function given parking lot array, and car dimension

I was doing the coding challenges on Codefights, sponsored by Uber and there was a problem that I was unable to solve. For the question, you can look here

I believe that this problem is related with Dynamic Programming, so I tagged this problem as Dynamic programming, but I am still learning Java, so please inform me if I am wrong. This is what I have so far, and I believe that my logic may not be correct inside the nested for loop. If anyone could please review my code and fix it for me.

Thanks in advance,

boolean parkingSpot(int[] carDimensions, int[][] parkingLot, int[] luckySpot) {

int carx = carDimensions[0];
int cary = carDimensions[1];

boolean result = false;
for(int l=0;l<parkingLot.length;l++){
    for(int k=0;k<parkingLot.length;k++){
        if(l == luckySpot[0]){
            for(int i=luckySpot[0];i<carx;i++){
                if(k== luckySpot[1]){
                    for(int j= luckySpot[1];j<cary;j++){
                        if(parkingLot[i][j] != 0){
                            result = false;
 return true;


  • This seems more complicated than what you did... so not too sure if it helps. I just tested it against the given examples but if I'm not completely misunderstanding the problem, you can just use a couple of loops, so there's no obvious use of Dynamic Programming.

        static boolean h(int[] luckySpot,int[][] parkingLot){
            // check if parking spot given contains a 1
            // (check if it's a valid parking spot)
            for(int i=luckySpot[0];i<=luckySpot[2];i++){
                for(int j=luckySpot[1];j<=luckySpot[3];j++){
                    if(parkingLot[i][j]==1) return false;
            // check if the car parked vertically
            if(     Math.abs(luckySpot[0]-luckySpot[2]) > 
                    Math.abs(luckySpot[1]-luckySpot[3])) {
                // check for empty path going to the top
                for(int i=0;i<luckySpot[0];i++){
                    for(int j=luckySpot[1];j<=luckySpot[3];j++){
                        if(parkingLot[i][j]==1) break outerloop;
                    if(i==luckySpot[0]-1) return true;
                // check for empty path going to the bottom
                for(int i=luckySpot[2]+1;i<parkingLot.length;i++){
                    for(int j=luckySpot[1];j<=luckySpot[3];j++){
                        if(parkingLot[i][j]==1) return false;
                    if(i==parkingLot.length-1) return true;
            // the car parked horizontally
                // check for empty path going to the left
                for(int i=luckySpot[0];i<=luckySpot[2];i++){
                    for(int j=0;j<luckySpot[1];j++){
                        if(parkingLot[i][j]==1) break outerloop;
                    if(i==luckySpot[2]) return true;
                // check for empty path going to the right
                for(int i=luckySpot[0];i<=luckySpot[2];i++){
                    for(int j=luckySpot[3]+1;j<parkingLot[0].length;j++){
                        if(parkingLot[i][j]==1) return false;
                    if(i==luckySpot[2]) return true;
            return false;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            "for safety reasons, the car can only move in two directions inside
            the parking lot -- forwards or backwards along the long side of the car"
            i assume this to mean that the direction the car travels is parallel
            to the long side of the car
            int[] carDimensions = {3, 2};
            int [][] parkingLot = {
                    {1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
                    {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0},
                    {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
                    {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}
            int[] luckySpot={1, 1, 2, 3};