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Using RequireJS with XRegExp: "XRegExp is not defined"

I am using RequireJS with order.js and I need to use xregexp-all to include in RequireJS. Here is my code sample:

require(["order!xregexp-all","order!../myscript"],function(XRegExp) {console.log(XRegExp.version)});

Here is the console log that returns me the version. But I could not able to use the XregExp in myscript.js it gives me following Error:

"XRegExp is not defined"

How can I use XRegExp in the rest of the code?


  • the second argument of require is a function, with a parameter, that you named XRegExp. Outside this context it does not exist. What you can do is create a global variable, and assign it in that context to the XRegExp:

    var myRegExp;
    require(["order!xregexp-all","order!../myscript"],function(XRegExp) {
      myRegExp = XRegExp;
    //... rest of your coude...//