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React Native Post Request via Fetch throws Network Request Failed

I've came across the following error. At the moment I developing an Android App with React Native therefore I'm planning to use fetch for doing a post request for me.

fetch("", {
    method: "post",

    body: JSON.stringify({
      param: 'param',
      param1: 'param',

  .then((response) = > response.json())
  .then((responseData) = > {
      "Response Body -> " + JSON.stringify(responseData.message), ToastAndroid.SHORT
  .catch((error) = > {

The app now throws an error:

TypeError: Network request failed

When I change the code to a GET-Request it's working fine, in the browser with a window.alert() as a return it's cool and also the Chrome extension Postman returns data correctly.


  • This React Native's error is rather useless, so you need to get the actual underlying error first. The most straightforward way is to write a small native program that would just perform the same query using HttpsURLConnection.

    For me the actual error was Trust anchor for certification path not found. which has a well known solution:

    This is quite likely your case also, given that the browsers and Postman have no problem with the request. To check it run openssl s_client -connect -showcerts. If there are certificate errors, fix them first, it could spare you time writing the native program.

    Edit: actually the easiest way to see all underlying android errors for react native is simply running 'adb logcat' in terminal