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Not able to list files in a cvs module in command line?

I executed the same cvs command on two machines and it worked only on 1 of them. The command is:

cvs  -d %CVSROOT%  ls "module"

* In the first machine it returned me the files directly under the module. * I added -R parameter to make the call recursive and this time I got an error:

cvs [ls aborted]: Remote server does not support rls. Requested options not available.

In the second machine I directly got an error even without adding the -R command: cvs [ls aborted]: server does not support ls

Both machines are connecting to the same server and same module and same CVS root and same CVSNT version.


  • I eventually used rlog command to get a list of all files on the CVS server. The rlog command worked perfectly for me.