I upload files (PDF's only) using paperclip and now want to display these as a PDF in a view.
This gives me an empty frame <iframe src="<% @document.file %>"></iframe>
This results in an image <%= image_tag @document.file(:large) %>
the files are stored in postgress.
You have an syntax "issue":
<iframe src="<% @document.file %>"></iframe>
Should be
<iframe src="<%= @document.file %>"></iframe>
<!-- notice the equals symbol (=) -->
<!-- which prints something into erb file. -->
Also, I believe you need to use it's url
, so I'd be something like this:
<iframe src="<%= @document.file.url(:large) %>"></iframe>
More info - What is the difference between <%, <%=, <%# and -%> in ERB in Rails?