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Autocomplete for unknown properties

Is it possible to PhpStorm to autocomplete unknown properties? Here is sample code:

class Fields {
    public function __construct($data) {
        foreach ($data AS $d) {

    ['id'=>'myId', 'value'=>'Name'],
    ['id'=>'second', 'value'=>'Second]

$fields=new Fields($data);

$fields->second;//comes from autocpmplete

I want 'second' or 'myId' property to be autocompleted. Is it possible?


  • Is it possible to PhpStorm to autocomplete unknown properties?

    Yes and No -- it depends on how you plan to use it.

    If you want to have it absolute dynamic (e.g. the same Fields class but in one file $fields variable (instance of that Fields class) will have one set of fields and in another completely different) -- then answer is No.

    Otherwise it's possible to declare non-existing property via @property tag (see detailed link) in PHPDoc comment for that class.

     * @property string $abc Optional description here
    class Fields {

    Now every instance of Fields will have abc property offered in completion.

    With that in mind you can have all actual code/logic in Fields class and then declare specific fields in child classes:

     * @property string $first
    class FirstClassFields extends Fields {
     * @property string $second
    class SecondClassFields extends Fields {