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dcast error: `Error in match(x, table, nomatch = 0L)`

I have a dataframe called df that looks something like this...


I want to flip the data frame around so the columns are like this:


The values for columns Both',CriticsandPlayerswould be then` for each.

When I try running this...

chartData.CriticPlayerPreferByYear <- dcast(
    data = df,
    formula = ReleaseYear ~ CriticPlayerPrefer,
    fill = 0,
    value.var = n

... I get this error:

Error in match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) : 
  'match' requires vector arguments

What is the problem here? How do I fix it?


  • You seem to be missing quotation marks?

    data <- read.table(text='"ID","ReleaseYear","CriticPlayerPrefer","n","CountCriticScores","CountUserScores"
    dcast(data, ReleaseYear ~ CriticPlayerPrefer, value.var="n")
    # ReleaseYear Both Critics Players
    #       1994    1       0       0
    #       1995    3       0       0
    #       1996   18       2       3

    This is what I get. Is it the desired result?