I have a timer. in my form is still possible to open the child window. when I open and close this window, the timer starts again. How can I continue timer operation when I open and clos the child window??? I hope very much for your help! this is my timer:
Private timer As DispatcherTimer
Private CountUp As Integer
Public Sub DispatcherTimerSetup()
timer = New DispatcherTimer()
timer.Interval = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)
AddHandler timer.Tick, AddressOf timer_Tick
End Sub
Private Sub timer_Tick(sender As Object, e As Object)
CountUp += 1
Dim counter As TimeSpan
counter = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(CountUp)
txblCountdown.Text = counter.ToString("mm\:ss")
End Sub
child window:
Private Sub btnMapPoint_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
Dim intIndex As Integer = CInt(sender.Name.Replace("btnMapPoint_", ""))
TryCast(Frame.Content, Location).InitForm_Observation(_myEventErist, intIndex, GetType(Event9900000))
TryCast(Frame.Content, Location).IsChangeMapEnabled = False
TryCast(Frame.Content, Location).SetSelectedMap(DirectCast(cboMesspunkt.SelectedItem, SMS_KARTE))
End Sub
Best regards, Polina
will initialize new instance of Location
page, so CountUp
value will be lost.
You can make CountUp
field public and add another field in parent object, for example, SavedCountUpValue
. Then use Location.Unloaded
event to save CountUp
value into SavedCountUpValue
In parent object, in Location_Unloaded
SavedCountUpValue = TryCast(Frame.Content, Location).CountUp
Then, when initializing new Location
object, restore CountUp
In parent object, in btnMapPoint_Click
TryCast(Frame.Content, Location).CountUp = SavedCountUpValue