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R - Function to count the number of columns in a data frame when a prefix is entered

This is a question for school, but I have been working on it for hours and just need a point in the right direction. I am not asking for the full answer.

I was given a data frame with student grades for various assessments. I have to write a function that will result in the number of columns that either start with a given prefix or match the name entirely.

I was provided with the following framework:

assessmentCount <- function(df, assessmentNamePrefix)


I need to be able to write the code to get the exact results below when the following lines of code are executed:

# [1] 7


# [1] 1

I've found that the following code, when run independently of the framework and with the [hw] written in, gives the correct number of 7:

my_columns <- df[, grep("^[hw]", names(df), value=TRUE)]

However, when I do the same with [exam1], I get an incorrect number of 3 because it includes columns for exam1, exam2, and exam3:

my_columns <- df[, grep("^[exam1]", names(df), value=TRUE)]

Even worse, when I put the code into the framework and replace the values with the variable assessmentNamePrefix, I get incorrect values of 8 for both tests.

assessmentCount <- function(df, assessmentNamePrefix)
  my_columns <- df[, grep("^[assessmentNamePrefix]", names(df), value=TRUE)]

I am very frustrated at this point and am not understanding what is going wrong. I do realize that this is a very basic question, but I'm at the beginning of a very basic R programming course. Could someone please point me in the right direction? It would be very much appreciated. Thank you :)


  • You can use the base startsWith() function, which is faster and more convenient than the regular expression grepl("^<prefix>", x) in this case, as specified from ?startsWith():

    startsWith() is equivalent to but much faster than

    substring(x, 1, nchar(prefix)) == prefix or also

    grepl("^prefix", x)

    assessmentCount <- function(df, assessmentNamePrefix)
        sum(startsWith(names(df), assessmentNamePrefix))    