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How can I run my Qt function after a thread has finished?

void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
    QFuture<int> future = QtConcurrent::run(identify);  //Thread1
    if (future.isFinished())

I have this code. I want to run the DoSomething() function after the identify function finished running. Is it possible?


  • You can pass the QFuture object to a QFutureWatcher and connect its finished() signal to the function or slot DoSomething().

    For example:

    void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
        QFuture<int> future = QtConcurrent::run(identify); //Thread1
        QFutureWatcher<int> *watcher = new QFutureWatcher<int>(this);
               connect(watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(doSomething()));
        // delete the watcher when finished too
         connect(watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), watcher, SLOT(deleteLater()));
    void MainWindow::DoSomething() // slot or ordinary function
        // ...

    Or you could use a nested event loop to keep the GUI responsive and have everything inside the same function:

    void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
        QFuture<int> future = QtConcurrent::run(identify);  //Thread1
        QFutureWatcher<int> watcher;
        QEventLoop loop;
        // QueuedConnection is necessary in case the signal finished is emitted before the loop starts (if the task is already finished when setFuture is called)
        connect(&watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit()),  Qt::QueuedConnection); 