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How to add use a pointer to member value as a template parameter by type (not value)

My situation:

I frequently need to have a vector of structures where one field can be thought of as a Key or ID, and rather than store it expensively in a map (memory usage is very important in this app) I want to store it in a flat vector but present a map-like interface for finding elements by key.

My first solution to this problem:

template <class T, class Key, class KeyFn>
class TKeyedVector : public std::vector<T>

    const_iterator      find(const Key& key) const {return std::find_if(begin(), end(), [&](const T& entry) {return keyFn(entry)==key; }); }

    KeyFn keyFn;

struct KeyedDataEntry
  std::string       key;
  int               value;

  struct KeyExtractor {
    const std::string& operator()(const KeyedDataEntry& e) const {return e.key; };

using KeyedDataArray = TKeyedVector<KeyedDataEntry, std::string, KeyedDataEntry::KeyExtractor>;

Now this all works, but I would like to be able to remove the need for the KeyExtractor type by using the pointer to the member variable embedded into the type:

template <class T, class Key, Key T::* keyFn>
class TKeyedVector : public std::vector<T>
        const_iterator      find(const Key& key) const {return std::find_if(begin(), end(), [&](const T& entry) {return keyFn(entry)==key; }); }

using KeyedDataArray = TKeyedVector<KeyedDataEntry, std::string, &KeyedDataEntry::key>;

However I can't get this to work. I've been looking at the implementation of std::mem_fn for clues, but I can't work out how to do it. The error I get with is something like:

 warning C4353: nonstandard extension used: constant 0 as function expression.  Use '__noop' function intrinsic instead

Any clues?

EDIT: sample version at


  • Here is the start of a working solution. You don't need a special extractor object.

    Note that I have encapsulated the vector. In time, you'll regret not doing this.

    #include <vector>
    #include <string>
    template <class T, class Key, const Key& (T::*Extractor)() const>
    class TKeyedVector
        using storage = std::vector<T>;
        using const_iterator = typename storage::const_iterator;
        decltype(auto) begin() const
            return storage_.begin();
        decltype(auto) end() const
            return storage_.end();
        const_iterator find(const Key& key) const
            return std::find_if(begin(),
                                [&](const T& entry)
                return entry.*Extractor() == key;
        storage storage_;
    struct KeyedDataEntry
        std::string       key;
        int               value;
        const std::string& get_key() const { return key; }
    int main()
        TKeyedVector<KeyedDataEntry, std::string, &KeyedDataEntry::get_key> mymap;

    But there is a problem with this idea of yours.

    In order for this structure to be a map, the keys must be immutable. This argues for only returning immutable objects. This then argues immediately for simply using an unordered_set or set.

    If you're going to return references to mutable objects in the underlying vector, then you may as well simply use std::find_if with a predicate to find them.