I'm looking to extract lines of a CSV file that meet BOTH conditions.
For example, I want to extract a line which features a certain unique code AND a specific date.
Currently, my code is only extracting lines which meet ONE of the conditions:
for line in log:
with open("log.csv", 'a') as csvfile:
if ("code123" and "29/07/2016") in line:
I've also tried
with open("log.csv", 'a') as csvfile:
if ("code123") and ("29/07/2016 ") in line:
But it seems extract lines that match that date but not also the unique code.
The format of the log file is a bit like this:
code123, 1001, 29/07/2016 14:01, 100
I've tried the code with and without a space after the date:
if ("code123") and ("29/07/2016") in line:
if ("code123") and ("29/07/2016 ") in line:
Incase the fact that there is a time in the same cell as the date is a problem.
But it just seems to extract lines that only match the date (and print any unique code that has a reading from the date, rather than the specified one).
Can anybody help?
The reason I am trying to do this is so I can separate a log file into separate files based on dates and unique ID's. So I want all the readings from a certain date for a certain key to be in one file.
if "code123" in line and "29/07/2016" in line:
Since and
returns False
or the last operand, ie.
x and y == y # iff bool(x) is True and bool(y) is True
this part
("code123" and "29/07/2016")
always evaluates to "29/07/2016" and you're left with
if "29/07/2016" in line:
The reason
a and b in c == (a and b) in c
and not (a) and (b in c)
, is due to the operator precedence rules: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/operators_precedence_example.htm
The precedence rules are also responsible for
a in c and b in c == (a in c) and (b in c)
since in
has higher precedence than and
. It might be better to add parenthesis for clarity in this case anyway though.