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Capitalizing hyphenated name

I have a script looking like this:

firstn = input('Please enter your first name: ') 
lastn = input('Please enter Your last name: ') 
print('Good day, ' + str.capitalize(firstn) + ' ' + str.capitalize(lastn)+ '!')

It will work nicely with simple names like jack black or morgan meeman but when I input hyphenated name like jordan-bellfort image then I'd expect "Jordan-Bellfort Image" but I receive "Jordan-bellfort Image".

How can I get python to capitalize the character right after hyphen?


  • You can use title():

    print('Good day,', firstn.title(), lastn.title(), '!')

    Example from the console:

    >>> 'jordan-bellfort image'.title()
    'Jordan-Bellfort Image'