In my application made with Angular 1, I've used angular-mocks to build front-end without requiring the back-end to be up and running:
(function() {
.run(['$httpBackend', function($httpBackend) {
$httpBackend.whenGET(/.*\/api\/ratings\/\?.*/).respond(function(method, url) {
var params = matchParams(url.split('?')[1]);
var list = findRatings(ratings, params);
return createPageResponse(list,, params.size);
Now I want to do that in Angular 2. What is the recommended way to do that?
Use could use different services depending on some condition:
imports: [..],
declarations: [..],
providers: [
provide: YourService,
useClass: ? YourService : DummyService
bootstrap: [..]
export class AppModule {
Or with use of a factory, if you need some more complex stuff..
imports: [..],
declarations: [..],
providers: [
provide: YourService,
useFactory: (isProd, anotherSrvc) => isProd ? new YourService(anotherSrvc) : new DummyService(),
deps: [, AnotherService]
bootstrap: [..]
export class AppModule {