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Netflix Hystrix - HystrixObservableCommand asynchronous run

I have some basic project that has like four calls to some external resource, that in current version runs synchronously. What I would like to achieve is to wrap that calls into HystrixObservableCommand and then call it asynchronously.

From what I have read, after calling .observe() at the HystrixObservableCommand object, the wrapped logic should be called immediately and asynchronously. However I am doing something wrong, because it works synchronously.

In the example code, the output is Void, because I'm not interested in output (for now). That is also why I did not assigned the Observable to any object, just called constructor.observe().

public class LoggerProducer {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LoggerProducer.class);

    SimpMessagingTemplate template;

    private void push(Iterable<Message> messages, String topic) throws Exception {
        template.convertAndSend("/messages/"+topic, messages);

    public void splitAndPush(Iterable<Message> messages) {

        Map<MessageTypeEnum, List<Message>> groupByMessageType =, true)

        //should be async - it's not 
        new CommandPushToBrowser(groupByMessageType.get(MessageTypeEnum.INFO),
        new CommandPushToBrowser(groupByMessageType.get(MessageTypeEnum.WARN),
        new CommandPushToBrowser(groupByMessageType.get(MessageTypeEnum.ERROR),


    class CommandPushToBrowser extends HystrixObservableCommand<Void> {

        private Iterable<Message> messages;
        private String messageTypeName;

        public CommandPushToBrowser(Iterable<Message> messages, String messageTypeName) {
            this.messageTypeName = messageTypeName;
            this.messages = messages;

        protected Observable<Void> construct() {
            return Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<Void>() {

                public void call(Subscriber<? super Void> observer) {
                    try {
                        for (int i = 0 ; i < 50 ; i ++ ) {
                  "Count: " + i + " messageType " + messageTypeName);
                        if (null != messages) {
                            push(messages, messageTypeName);
                  "Message type: " + messageTypeName + " pushed: " + messages);
                        if (!observer.isUnsubscribed()) {
                    } catch (Exception e) {

There are some pure "test" code fragments there, as I was trying to figure out the problem, just ignore the logic, main focus is to make it run async with .observe(). I do know that I may achieve that with standard HystrixCommand, but this is not the goal.

Hope someone helps :) Regards,


  • Answer was found:

    "Observables do not add concurrency automatically. If you are modeling synchronous, blocking execution with an Observable, then they will execute synchronously.

    You can easily make it asynchronous by scheduling on a thread using subscribeOn( Here is a simply example for wrapping a blocking call with an Observable:

    However, if you are wrapping blocking calls, you should just stick with using HystrixCommand as that’s what it’s built for and it defaults to running everything in a separate thread. Using HystrixCommand.observe() will give you the concurrent, async composition you’re looking for.

    HystrixObservableCommand is intended for wrapping around async, non-blocking Observables that don’t need extra threads."

    -- Ben Christensen - Netflix Edge Engineering
