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Regex for unicode sentences without spaces using CountVectorizer

I hope I don't have to provide an example set.

I have a 2D array where each array contains a set of words from sentences.

I am using a CountVectorizer to effectively call fit_transform on the whole 2D array, such that I can build a vocabulary of words.

However, I have sentences like:

u'Besides EU nations , Switzerland also made a high contribution at Rs 171 million LOCATION_SLOT~-nn+nations~-prep_besides nations~-prep_besides+made~prep_at made~prep_at+rs~num rs~num+NUMBER_SLOT'

And my current vectorizer is too strict at removing things like ~ and + as tokens. Whereas I want it to see each word in terms of split() a token in the vocab, i.e. rs~num+NUMBER_SLOT should be a word in itself in the vocab, as should made. At the same time, stopwords like the the a (the normal stopwords set) should be removed.

Current vectorizer:

vectorizer = CountVectorizer(analyzer="word",stop_words=None,tokenizer=None,preprocessor=None,max_features=5000)

You can specify a token_pattern but I am not sure which one I could use to achieve my aims. Trying:


Leads to a vocabulary of:

{u'': 0, u'p~prep_to': 3764, u'de~dobj': 1107, u'wednesday': 4880, ...}

Which messes things up as u'' is not something I want in my vocabulary.

What is the right token pattern for this type of vocabulary_ I want to build?


  • I have figured this out. The vectorizer was allowing 0 or more non-whitespace items - it should allow 1 or more. The correct CountVectorizer is:
