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How to find the maximum product of two elements in a list?

I was trying out a problem on hackerrank contest for fun, and there came this question. I used itertools for this, here is the code:

import itertools

l = []

for _ in range(int(input())):

max = l[0] * l[len(l)-1]

for a,b in itertools.combinations(l,2):
    if max < (a*b):
        max = (a*b)

Is their any other efficient way than this? As I am getting time out error on some test cases which I cant access (as its a small contest).


  • Here is an implementation following @User_Targaryen's logic. heapq returns the 2 largest and 2 smallest numbers in the list, mul operator returns the products of these 2 pairs of numbers, and max returns the largest of these 2 products.

    >>> import heapq
    >>> from operator import mul
    >>> l = [2,40,600,3,-89,-899]
    >>> max(mul(*heapq.nsmallest(2,l)),mul(*heapq.nlargest(2,l)))
    # -899*-89 = 80011