I am using MfSlideviewcontroller, i have to add some labels using storyboard but when i am using story board the viewcontroller will be blank. And when i am doing with the help of code it is showing but i dont know the autolayout using code. can Any one tell me how to use this in storyboard and why the screen is blank?
Have you setup your viewcontroller similar to what is done in the example in the project?
To use a storyboard, you'll need a viewcontroller and a splitviewcontroller.
For the splitviewcontroller, follow what he has done in his example,
For the viewcontroller, this is your initial viewcontroller or what you push to,
Example code,
[self addChildViewController:mfSideMenuContainerViewController];
[self.view addSubview:mfSideMenuContainerViewController.view];
// setup all edge constraints
[mfSideMenuContainerViewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
Hope this helps, ask me if you need me to clarify, good luck.