Why can two string literals separated by a space, tab or "\n" be compiled without an error?
int main()
char * a = "aaaa" "bbbb";
"aaaa" is a char* "bbbb" is a char*
There is no specific concatenation rule to process two string literals. And obviously the following code gives an error during compilation:
#include <iostream>
int main()
char * a = "aaaa";
char * b = "bbbb";
std::cout << a b;
Is this concatenation common to all compilers? Where is the null termination of "aaaa"? Is "aaaabbbb" a continuous block of RAM?
If you see e.g. this translation phase reference in phase 6 it does:
Adjacent string literals are concatenated.
And that's exactly what happens here. You have two adjacent string literals, and they are concatenated into a single string literal.
It is standard behavior.
It only works for string literals, not two pointer variables, as you noticed.